Recultivation of Alluvial Soil

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Roza Lortkipanidze
Nino Kelenjeridze


The research facility is located in In the western part of Kutaisi, on the right side of the river Oghaskura. The soil needs recultivation because it is saturated with construction waste. In 2014, planting works started in the territory, without studying the soil conditions. Most of the plants planted on the site did not grow and got withered. A deep study of the soils of the research object was conducted, we studied its physico-mechanical and chemical properties. We have planned the necessary measures to create suitable soil conditions for the plants to be grown on the site.

soil reclamation, greening soil research, Alluvial soils
Published: Nov 30, 2023

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Langshcape ecology and Climat change