Active Teaching Using The Systems Of Mathematical Problems With The Environmental Contents And Having The Cross-disciplinary Links For Pupils In Primary School (Part Ii)

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T. Dograshvili
I. Gogiberidze
G. Berdzulishvili


When composing the system of mathematical problems with the environmental content, we use a scheme that we have developed: “transferring the oretical knowledge on environmental issues from other (not from mathematics) subject solving the set mathematical problem after writing down the solution of this problem, putting such pre-formulated questions for pupils, which strengthen the pupils’ environmental knowledge”.

We have written more than 1200 mathematical problems with the environmental contents having the developmental and cross-disciplinary links for active teaching of pupils of all classes in primary school, on single-digit and multi-digit numbers, a puzzle and logical problems, the problems of multiplication and division of numbers by several times, the problems on motion, the entertaining mathematical problems with the environmental content, the problems of finding the percentage, finding the sum of two products, combinatorial problems, the problems on birds, fish, animals, plants, insects, the problems associated with the country's nature reserves, including their flora, fauna and so on. We brought and examined a small part of these problems and made relevant methodological conclusions.

Our pedagogical experiments have demonstrated that the inclusion of the system of mathematical problems with the environmental contents having the developmental and cross-disciplinary links, makes the lower grade pupils teaching active, interesting and versatile, the need for all teaching disciplines is clearly seen. The scientific view and skills of pupils are expanding, there is no need for additional time and it facilitates in-depth and thorough mastering of all disciplines in primary school.

საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Environment, Mathematical Problems, Primary School, Teaching Process
გამოქვეყნებული: Sep 19, 2020

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