The impact of climate change on glaciation of the Great Caucasus

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A.Kh. Adziev
M.D. Dokukin
N.V. Kondratyeva
N.V. Giorgobiani


space distribution and magnitude of change of boundaries of Maly Azau, Garabashi, Terskol, Kozidon, Zemegondon, Tsakhvoa, Chugush, Bolshoi Fishtinsky, Dzhalovchat, Murkar, Kogutai glaciers on the territory of the Great Caucasus slopes is evaluated. It is shown that for the last three years degradation rates of the investigated glaciers have significantly exceeded those previously observed. This is due to glaciers width reduction and degradation of extreme ice flows which decrease faster with the reduction of ice thickness in the area of feeding of these flows.

გამოქვეყნებული: Dec 4, 2022

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