Major challenges to manage invasive alien plants: the case study of Heracleum (Apiaceae) in the Bulgarian flora

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Vladimirov, V.
Tashev, A.N
Tashev, N.A


Invasive alien species are widely recognised as one of the major threats to biodiversity worldwide. Therefore, efforts are undertaken to manage their spread and impact. EU Regulation 1143/2014 was enforced in 2015 and obliges EU-member states to manage the species included in the List of invasive alien species of EU concern. A case study from Bulgaria is presented including two alien species – Heracleum mantegazzianum and H. sosnowskyi. The major challenges to manage the invasion of these species in the country are discussed, such as lack of guides for the identification of the species by citizens, lack of specialised national legislation to implement EU Regulation 1143/2014, insufficient development of the national surveillance system for invasive alien species, insufficient involvement of citizens in the management of invasive species, etc.

გამოქვეყნებული: Dec 4, 2022

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ბიოსამედიცინო ეკოლოგია და ბუნების დაცვა
ავტორის ბიოგრაფია

Vladimirov, V., Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research

Botanical Garden

Sofia, Bulgaria