კახეთის რეგიონში გავრცელებული ზოგიერთი იშვიათი მერქნიანი მცენარის ყინვაგამძლეობის თავისებურებები

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T. Nadiradze


Frost-resistance is one of the major factors of adjusting plants to the new environment. The rhythm of the plant growth and development plays a significant role in frost-resistance. Early completion of the growth enables the plant to harden against low temperatures and pass into the rest period. The frost-resistance depends strongly on the rest period, when the plants stops growth processes and prepares for winter, meaning that it transforms supplied food substances. The accumulation of carbohydrates occurs in all plants though in different patterns. whole this process leads to the plant frost-resistance. We studied the frost-resistance of some woody plants in Kakheti district (Juglans nigra L., Quercus alba L., Ginkgo biloba L, Magnolia grandiflora L., M. soulangiana Soul., Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl., Laurocerasus lusitanica (L.) Roem.). The studies show that the frost-resistance is depended on the sequence of bio-chemical processes, heritage and temperature regime.

Frost Resistance, Starch, Sugar, Fats
Published: Sep 19, 2020

Article Details

Ecology of Landscape and Environmental Protection