აკუსტიკური ემისიის პრინციპზე აგებული მეწყრების ადრეული შეტყობინების სისტემის ლაბორატორიული ტესტირება
Main Article Content
During various processes, acoustic waves are generated in a number of cases. In some cases, by analyzing acoustic waves, important conclusions can be drawn about the event in question. Active or passive acoustic methods can be used to study the environment, buildings, etc., without damaging them. Our article discusses the possibility of using acoustic methods for monitoring and predicting landslide processes. This method allows you to create a system of monitoring landslides and early warning at low cost. The article presents the device we created based on this method.
Acoustics, Landslide, Lamb Waves
Sep 19, 2020
Article Details
Ecology of Landscape and Environmental Protection