Living Space: The Eco-ethical Paradigm Of Philosophical Urbanism

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V. Beridze


The 21st century is recognized as the century of environmental concerns. At the initial stage of development, ecology belonged to the system of natural sciences, but, since the 20s of the 20th century, since the intensive development of nature led to the disruption of the natural balance, various environmental trends and schools are being created. Differentiation of environmental sciences takes place, and then their integration with other branches of science. As a result, today they talk about the ecology of mankind, about the global ecology, about social, economic, political, space, medical, etc. ecology.

In today's world of the technological revolution, when describing the environment, such definitions as “ecological crisis”, “environmental destabilization”, “global degradation of the ecological system”, “ecological deurbanization”, etc. are often found. The study of the global environmental situation involves its analysis on the part of philosophy, as a science that studies the place and role of man in the world, his purpose and meaning of life, his attitude to the world. In this regard, the work examines the philosophical considerations of the 20th-century Georgian philosopher Konstantin Kapaneli about the city and urban life. Also, his critical thoughts about the trends opposite to urbanism.

The work talks about the importance of philosophical urbanism and its most important eco-ethical paradigm - “living space”.

Living Space, Philosophical Urbanism, Eco-Paradigm
Published: Sep 19, 2020

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Ecology of the Spiritual World