საქართველოს ოკუპირებულ ტერიტორიაზე (აფხაზეთის ავტონომიური რესპუბლიკა) არსებული მყინვარების თანამედროვე მდგომარეობის კომპლექსური შესწავლა თანამგზავრული დისტანციური ზონდირების გამოყენებით

Main Article Content

G.I. Kordzakhia
L.D. Shengelia
G.A. Tvauri
G.N. Guliashvili
S.T. Beridze


Some results of a complex study of the current state of glaciers in the occupied territory of Georgia (Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia) using satellite remote sensing (RSS) are presented. The study of glaciers with satellite data is especially important in the currently occupied Abkhazian territory because TDS is the only way to study the current state of these glaciers. The research is complex, as it uses data from the catalogue of glaciers of the Soviet Union, topographic maps, and expert knowledge accumulated before the occupation (until the 90s of the last century). The methodology developed by the project's main executors, based on the use of historical data of glaciers, ground observations and expert knowledge, along with the best practices of the project, is used for the research. The article presents for the first time a table and statistical analysis of the data of the catalogue (cat.), average (SRS1) and 2020 (SRS 2) according to the gradation of the number and area of glaciers of the glacial basins of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the glaciers of all basins are melting in the considered period, and the degradation of glaciers is much more intense in the second period than in the firs, that is, the melting of glaciers has a non-linear character. Summary: Some results of studying the current state of glaciers in the occupied territory of Georgia (Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia) using satellite remote sensing (SRS) are presented. The study of the glaciers in the occupied territory of Abkhazia with satellite data is very important because SRS is the only means to study the current state of these glaciers. The research is complex because, in addition to the data of the SRS, data from the catalogue of glaciers of the former Soviet Union, topographic maps, and expert knowledge accumulated before the occupation (until the 90s of the last century) were used. The methodology developed by the authors, which is based on the use of historical data of glaciers, ground observations and expert knowledge, together with the best practices tested in the world, is used for the research. The article presents for the first time the data on the areas (according to gradation) and several glaciers of the glacial basins of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia according to the catalogue (cat.) (initial), 2015 (TDS1) (interim) and 2020 (TDS 2) (final) of TDS. Statistical analysis of these data has been carried out. Based on the analysis of the research results, it was concluded that in the considered periods, the glaciers of all basins of Abkhazia are melting, and the degradation of glaciers (degradation rate) is much more intense in the second period than in the first, that is, the melting of glaciers has a non-linear character.

Published: Dec 4, 2022

Article Details

Biodiversity and climate change