Touristic transition potential and related ecological issues of Beshumi resort

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M. Putkaradze
L. Putkaradze


Rational usage of natural resources bears essential importance in enhancement of social-economic level of mountainous regions worldwide. Coming out of this, assimilation of touristic and recreational resources represents one of directions for sustainable development of mountain regions of Georgia, but there are number of problems associated to its application. In line with this, touristic transition potential and related ecological issued of Beshumi resort are studied. There are established the originalities of resort`s touristic dynamics during the season and its conformity to existing infrastructure. There are found out ecological issues related to natural management and resort`s further development perspectives are set. The study conducted would have cognitive and applicable importance as well in increase of welfare of mountainous Adjara`s population and evaluation of ecological condition.

recreation, resort, resource, tourist, ecology
Published: Nov 30, 2023

Article Details

Enviromental protection and ecotourism