Results Of Bacteriological Study Black Sea Coast Of Adjara 2013-2020

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Marine Gvianidze
Nino Lomtatidze


The Black Sea is the most important resource for the Adjara region, both in terms of industry and tourism. Adjara has an increasing number of tourists every year, and marine tourism is particularly popular. Thus,the sea water quality is of crucial importance. In this regard, many projects have been implemented in the region in recent decades, such as establishment of the waste water network in Batumi, construction of waste water treatment plants in Batumi, Kobuleti and Chakvi. Separation of the waste water and storm water networks ensured that there is no discharge of waste water into the sea anymore and the quality of the sea water has been improved. The present article studies the results of the bacterial investigation outcomes for the Adjara coastline of the Black Sea in 2013-2020. The results of the research show that the quality of the sea water has improved over the years. In some cases, an increase in concentrations is recorded, but in the following years, local pollution is prevented. Improvement of the bacteriological situation in the sea water in Batumi, Kobuleti and Bobokvati is mainly due to the arrangement of the waste water system and operation of the treatment plants where the wastewater is cleaned mechanically and biologically. Since Adjara is distinguished as a marine resort area, it is important to maintain and ensure the quality of the sea water.

Published: Dec 4, 2022

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Ecology of the Black Sea